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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for February 2008 - Al Kamen's In The Loop Column

Al Kamen's In the Loop column reports on the latest comings and goings in official Washington,from White House personnel to lobbyists to members of Congress.

Not All of the Old Clinton Gang Is Backing Another Clinton - February 29, 2008

The painful endorsement switch Wednesday by John Lewis, the Democratic congressman from Georgia and civil rights icon, from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) reflects the difficulties some members of former president Bill Clinton's Cabinet have been going through as they decide between the candidates.

Vice Presidential Contest Heats Up -- at Least Here - February 27, 2008

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is emerging as consensus pick for vice president among both Republicans and Democrats.

Let's Just Say Obama's the Nominee. So, Who's the Running Mate - February 22, 2008

Let's face it. It's over. Teamsters President James P. Hoffa may have provided the last bit of muscle Wednesday with his union's endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.). Barring a serious meltdown in the debates -- or a sensational revelation -- Obama will be the Democratic presidential nominee this fall.

HUD's Exhibitionist - February 20, 2008

Spring is almost here. And that means tourists are on their way to see the monuments, the pandas, and exhibits at the new National Portrait Gallery, the National Gallery's East Building or the National Museum of Natural History.

Politics 101: Pose With Young People - February 15, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has been tarring Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) as creatures of the bad old, really old, ways of Washington.

Rumsfeld Wins a Noble Prize - February 13, 2008

Save the date! Feb. 23. It's the black-tie gala Founders' Day Celebration and 104th birthday of the University Club. The club is giving the highly coveted William Howard Taft Public Service Award -- named in honor of the club founder, former president and Supreme Court justice -- to former defense secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

Treading Hot Water - February 8, 2008

The 2008 Loop Award for Water Ballet goes to . . . drumroll, please . . . Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell.

Afghan Official Accused of Pecking With Impunity - February 6, 2008

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he's not intervening for now in the controversial case of Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh, 23, a reporter and journalism student who was sentenced to death by a three-judge panel two weeks ago for blasphemy. Kambakhsh had handed classmates a report, perhaps a satire, he found on the Internet that questioned why Muslim men are allowed to have four spouses but women don't have the same right.

Enough About Pollution Regulations; Here's a Riff on Amy Winehouse - February 1, 2008

There's often something almost magical when government bureaucrats begin blogging. Take the extraordinary blog The Flow of the River (, by Marcus Peacock, the Environmental Protection Agency deputy administrator. We're told it's been a source of great entertainment for the staff there.
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