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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for June 2008 - Al Kamen's In The Loop Column

Al Kamen's In the Loop column reports on the latest comings and goings in official Washington,from White House personnel to lobbyists to members of Congress.

Mobile Social Network Loopt Sues Loop'd Network, Over Name Similarity - June 30, 2008

Loopt, the mobile social network which is backed by Sequoia and NEA, has filed a lawsuit against Loop'd Network, a social network for action sports athletes and enthusiasts, over alleged trademark infringement, alleging that the two names are too similar and cause confusion. Loopt is asking the court to enjoin Loop'd Network from continuing to use the name, and is also seeking damages and three times the profit that Loop'd Network has earned, PEHub reports.

Desert Sand in Iraq, Sandbags in Iowa, and . . . - June 27, 2008

Thousands of National Guard troops are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Others have been rushed to the flood-ravaged Midwest.

The DOT Cafeteria, Not So Accommodating - June 25, 2008

Disabled employees at Department of Transportation headquarters are most unhappy these days with their new digs down by the Navy Yard in Southeast Washington.

Bad Blood and an Empty Chair - June 20, 2008

The stage was set Wednesday afternoon at the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, civil rights and civil liberties to hear former deputy undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith testify about the use of harsh interrogation techniques on detainees.

Your Government at Work. No Peeking. - June 18, 2008

Tales of life here in the nation's capital.

He Won't Have Paris -- at Least Not This Time - June 13, 2008

Everyone who's anyone is gathering in Paris these days for the big international donors conference on Afghanistan. Laura Bush was there for the opening yesterday. Her husband arrives late tonight. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other senior State Department officials, joined by delegates from 65 other countries and 15 international organizations, will be on hand.

Get Thee to an Airport! - June 11, 2008

Bummed that you missed that spectacular congressional trip last month to Slovenia and Italy Not to worry. There's an even better one leaving tomorrow for . . . drumroll . . . the Galapagos!
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