Teaching Applied IT & Keeping IT RealA (spasmodic) diary of the experiences and issues experienced while teaching IT in a tertiary institution. Trying to balance giving a good academic education along with vocational training that's relevant in today's workplace.Cliff Stoll (The Cuckoos Egg) - frenetic, mad and inspiring- September 7, 2008 I'm way WAY behind in monitoring my rss-feed-from-hell (link on right) but this I morning came across Kevin Remede mentioning a talk by Cliff Stoll. Cliff Stoll wrote the first hacker book that I ever read called a href="http:www.amazon.comCuckoos-Egg-Tracking-Computer-Espionagedp1416507787ref=pd_bbs_1ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=122http://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/cliff-s... Chrome - lots of buzz ... or just hype- September 4, 2008 I should start of with a big caveat. I don't trust Google. Yes I use their search engine but I find many of their actions despicable. I avoid the Google-cookie like the plague that it is and I resist using their 'cloud' based tools because I simply don't trust them with my data (not that anyone cares about MY data - but they are not getting it if I can help it). Having said that - I still think that I can take a fair look at one of their products. In any case - this is just one guys view. bhttp://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/chrome-... |