Teaching Applied IT & Keeping IT RealA (spasmodic) diary of the experiences and issues experienced while teaching IT in a tertiary institution. Trying to balance giving a good academic education along with vocational training that's relevant in today's workplace.(internal) IT is not a business- August 17, 2008 There's an interesting little piece over at www.cio.com called "The Limits of Running IT Like a Business", by Chris Potts. I cam across it via Richard Bejtlich's blog (where I made a comment - but screwed up and accidentally posted as anon). I recommend a read of that article, and Richard's comments. I'm not completely happy with everything that Phttp://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/interna... My new geek toy - GPS- August 10, 2008 This week I've been playing around with a Garmin Colorado. I won an award last year and wanted to spend it on something I couldn't even remotly justify. A GPS sounded just the thing. Its actually kinda cool. A friend I used to work with (different centuary) is heavily into geocaching and after chatting to him I was sold. It sounds like a great excuse to get out of the house and tohttp://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/my-new-... |