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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for July 2008

Teaching Applied IT & Keeping IT Real

A (spasmodic) diary of the experiences and issues experienced while teaching IT in a tertiary institution. Trying to balance giving a good academic education along with vocational training that's relevant in today's workplace.

Who asks for passwords - July 28, 2008

I was talking to a technician today. He's a junior guy - but pretty good. A sensible chap who I think has a pretty good career ahead of him. He mentioned that he'd spent some time helping in another business' IT dept, it was a kind of secondment I think. He mentioned that it was quite a bit more "formal" than he was used to. That just about made me spurt coffee out my nose because I know some people there and while they work extremely hard, and are very conscientious & skilled, I wouldn't c

Blogs as resume (follow-on from CV post) - July 19, 2008

In a previous post I listed a few things that some IT managers mentioned as important. One of the things that surprised me was the mention, and recommendation of blogs. Synchronicity strikes again. I've just listened to two recent podcasts from ManagerTools on the topic of blogs and how they affect the hiring process and your career in general. It's in two parts

Job application and CV Tips - July 18, 2008

We have a group called a PEAC (Permanent Education Advisory Committee), made up of a number of people working in the IT industry, which meets every so often to give us advice us on various things. We are all too aware of the danger of living in an "ivory tower" which is separated from the "real world", and we value their input and suggestions. These people are all in senior positions and many hire our graduates. At a meeting today we discussed the formation of a short course to help students

Plead guity to hacking - but released without conviction - what gives - July 15, 2008

Something is seriously weird here. Apparently he plead guilty to: accessing a computer system with the intention of dishonestly obtaining payment for the installation of adware accessing a computer system without authorization and several other charges related to his role in the attacks And yet the guy gets released without a conviction provided he pays some repara

A truely impressive collaboration (DNS prob) - July 10, 2008

I've been hearing a bit about the latest and greatest DNS problem. And wound up on Dan kaminsky's site doxpara. Dan describes some of the work that's gone into the fix. It's worth a read. It really was an impressivecollaboration: We got Windows. We got Cisco IOS. We got Nominum. We got BIND 9, and when we couldn't get BIND 8, we got Yahoo, the biggest BIND 8 deployment we knew of, to publicly commit to abandoning it entirely. It w

Segway of death - July 4, 2008

This picture appeared in our paper this morning - but I love "Dark Visitor's" take on it ... "Segway of Death" I'm sure these guys would be as intimidating as all get-out in this formation. But they seem a little unweildy if for some reason they needed to quickly disperse. Segway stampede!! img src="http:news.xinhuanet.comphoto2
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