Teaching Applied IT & Keeping IT RealA (spasmodic) diary of the experiences and issues experienced while teaching IT in a tertiary institution. Trying to balance giving a good academic education along with vocational training that's relevant in today's workplace.Open Packets - example captures- June 28, 2008 I've been asked to update a tutorial for Wireshark which will accompany a textbook by a major networking author. (aside ... this confirms my suspicion that Web 2.0 is weird. Anything that puts this author, a true guru, in touch with li'll ol me is just plain disturbing). This task also reminded me of the OpenPacket project that Richard Bejtlich back in April this year. This project is pretty new, but it lhttp://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/open-pa... New MS Masters cert looks interesting- June 18, 2008 Microsoft have announced a new certification level which looks interesting - the "Master" series I mentioned a while back that I thought that the MCA was a pretty amazing thing. But really it's for the absolute guru's. This one looks possible for mere mortals who work hard. The Master series, leads on from thhttp://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/new-ms-... Mapping a drive to an internet site- June 7, 2008 I've just spotted this entry on a technet blog where john Westworth describes mapping a drive to sysinterals tools over the net. It's simple enough ... NET USE z: live.sysinternals.comTools replce the 'z' with a question mark to take the next available drive letter. Once you've done that you have all the sysinteral tools available without having to downloadhttp://networking.ittoolbox.com/r/rss.asp?url=http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/teach-it/mapping... |