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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for November 2003

tilley's virgin blog

So this is a Blog. Bloggy Blog Blog!

For Tenz - November 17, 2003

Tenz seems to be making more fake money in a couple weeks than any one person should in a lifetime. Oh ((Industrial Grapes)). Done!

Stuff! - November 9, 2003

So i spent a better part of a work shift programming in Qbasic. Well by programming I mean driving a remote control car around and telling my computer wize co-worker what ideas to add. It seemed to work out. By the end of our shift we had a rather cool bar game. Also Aha's take on me might drive you insane. If I post the game you will understand. Oh all this programming made me think. Do internet companies have IT departements. Like if the company is made up of programmers do they still..

Windoze XP - November 8, 2003

Ok so awile ago I told everyone I got a new computer. Which rules by the way! But whats with windows and it's stupid crap. Like MS Word's paper clip giving info, and I just saw a dog. Come on people. I understand user friendly, but this is Barney friendly. Ah well i guess gos and talking paperclips is what the sheep... oh I mean masses want.

Old Nes Games! - November 1, 2003

So today I was playing the old nintendo game Final Fantasy. Yes the first final fantasy! What surprises me is that a game that old should hold no value with today wonderful graphics and sound. To my amusement this is sooo wrong. This game rocks! So to all the game developers out there work on design and substance not pretty pictures and sounds. Because that crap grows old real quick... like most of the summer movie blockbusters. Yes they looked real good, but were filled with crap. So...
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