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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for October 2003

tilley's virgin blog

So this is a Blog. Bloggy Blog Blog!

All Candidates Meeting - October 30, 2003

Tonite I attended an all candidates meeting for my regional election. For weeks now sighs have sprung up all over my fair town with someones name and what they are running for. Well execpt one guy who has his name and a check mark But a stupid sign does not insire me to vote. So off to the candidates meeting. 5 minutes per person, over 16 people! But i'm glad at least now I can make a somewhat informed decision on election day. I also collected a wad of the brochures that maybe equal in..

New Computer - October 20, 2003

Oh yes baby Tilley got a new computer today. Intel 2.4ghz with the hyper threading thingy. 512ddr ram a 128meg video card and a 150gig hard drive. Can anyone says sweetness! This is quite a step up from my 350. Well I have to go have fun playing crazy games and surfing the internet now :)

Lots of Stuff! - October 10, 2003

It was such a nice day outside today. My professor was even joking about having the lecture outside. Which would have been super cool. But instead she let us go early. Which is nice, but somewhat bittersweet. It takes me like 45 minutes to commute to university. So when class goes short I feel a little ripped off. So last nite Tilley and Tenz got together over the wonderful Internet and played starcraft. God what a fun game that is! Nothing is better than humans and aliens battling each.
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