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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2003

tilley's virgin blog

So this is a Blog. Bloggy Blog Blog!

House of 1000 Corpses - April 22, 2003

Wow what a bad movie. I would have rather forgotten that I had ever seen it, but since I can't here is my review. When I go to the movie's I like when the movie has a plot. This one did not. Personally I think Rob Zombie (writerdirector)needs a bit of help. This movie is just pointless blood and gore. Everyone likes blood and gore in a horror movie, but this went beyong what was needed. Actually what was needed is my freaken money back! The unfortunate part is that this could have been a cool..

Casino's - April 16, 2003

So just spend most of the afternoon at the casino. The thing you have to see is that I don't realy gamble. Maybe I'll put $20 in a slot machine and that is it. My mom on the other hand likes to gamble. So she gambles and I do what I like doing... drinking beer. Well my mom was winning today! The bartender was kindof giving me the eye the last time I ordered a beer. Just weird! No one cares when anyone drops hundreds of dollars in a slot machine. But when you order your 6th beer people get all...

Only in Canada! - April 15, 2003

So according to the weather man it is going to be a high of 27c today. Only in Canada can you have a snow storm one week (where I actually saw a snow plow get stuck)and the next week summer weather. Suns out people walking around in shorts and there is still snow on the ground. Classic.

Phone Booth - April 6, 2003

Hey just got back from the movie Phone Booth. Realy cool flick. I recommend going and seeing. No need for hollywood special effects just good acting and a good script. The whole thought crime thing makes it personal!

Civilization 3 - April 4, 2003

Hey everyone. If anyone out there has ever played Civ 3 you know that it is as addictive as crack. Every so often I install Civ on my computer and spend the next serveral days playing. It is also dangerous to have CNN on TV in the background. I soon realize I am no General Tommy Franks and my military moves are just a little suspect. Who realy defends all there towns... and whats a reserve. And in the end my civ just spends its time building nuclear wepons. Which then turns into anouther..

Tilley's virgin blog - April 2, 2003

So this is blogging eh I wondered what this would be like. I hope I write enough. Gee Wiz this is exciting! Blog Blog Blog. I'm not even sure i'm doing this right Well I guess I'm done. Was I ok It was my first time blogging!
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