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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for September 2003

tilley's virgin blog

So this is a Blog. Bloggy Blog Blog!

Bizarre Campus - September 24, 2003

Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking as they wonder around my university campus. Im all for individualism but some people take it to the extreme. In the past weeks I have seen some horrible fashion. Tilley in not some fashion guru, or even do I care about fashion, but I know the crushed velvet pants should never be worn. EVER! Also I saw a girl in 80s style leg warmers! I thought I had been implanted in flash dance. Then there was this other young lady with fluorescent yellow...

Stuff of late! - September 13, 2003

I have to mention that a couple days ago I went the A Perfect Circle concert at the Opera House in Toronto. Wow, they were freaken amazing. The Opera House is a super small venue! I was like 15 feet at most from the stage and 5 feet from the bar. Like how cool is that The opening band was shit but A Perfect Circle was amazing. I recommend to everyone that they pick up their new CD Thirteenth Step on Sept 16th. So went all crazy in the gym yesterday. My training buddy and myself were...

Someone has to! - September 10, 2003

Well someone on bizwarcho has to blog. So Tilley has gone to the challenge. I guess all of us are writing wonderful reviews in our brand spanking new movie section (ALL THANK Tenzwarth). Danger is very bitter about the lack of fan mail she has not recieved. I Tilley am angry by the lack of hate mail I have recieved. Come on people! So Tilley has set foot back on campus this year...again. Everyone is so freaken young. Oh well. I'm just glad one of my profs is hot! When does that ever...
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