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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for May 2003

tilley's virgin blog

So this is a Blog. Bloggy Blog Blog!

Toronto land o Sars - May 29, 2003

All I have to say is what the hell I was reading today and staind just cancelled his concert in Toronto over SARS concerns. What a freaken wimp! I can understand someone like Elton John, but now hard rockers are afraid. I cant believe haw the media can manipulate the Americans. I would love to see some statistics on a bunch of American cities. I bet the odds of getting SARS in Toronto are close to getting shot in Detroit! Oh my next issue is that an Avril Lavigne has inspired a movie. ..

Too much Hype! - May 27, 2003

So I went and saw Matrix reloaded the other day. Cool movie! The only question was I that impressed. I guess thats the problem with these big budget movies. They advertise the hell out of them. The actors are on TV all the time and show are showing how great all this is. Then once you go see it your not impressed at all. I was expected to be blown away. Was I Hell no! Actually the thing that interested me was the plot. Which was complicated! Most likely I will have to watch it again.

New Ride! - May 19, 2003

So Tilley got himself a new car. The amazing part is that this car is not a junker like my previous ones. 1999 Sunfire, silver, standard, with a sunroof. So I have done a bit of a crash course in standard driving. God it's fun. But I still suck on those hills. So if you see a silver sunfire in front of you on a hill give some room.

Getting in Shape! - May 1, 2003

This is for all those people out there who are attempting to get into shape for summer. What a pain! And boy do I feel it. The working out is the easy part. The hard part is on the nutrition side. My vice is beer, I like to drink lots and lots of it. Which is never good for the waist line. But I have cut down a lot. The problem is ice water will never be as good as an ice cold beer :)
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