The New WWW FAQFrequently asked questions about the World Wide Web, including security, viruses, privacy, creating web sites, and more. By the longtime editor of the original WWW FAQ.Should I use frames on my web site- December 12, 2007 2007-12-12: Short answer: no... The newer iframe element is slightly less awful, because it doesn't create problems for bookmarking pages... OK, now the long answer: ... Frames keep people from bookmarking your pages properly... As a designer who wants people to navigate his or her web site in a particular way, you might think this is good... What is an ISP- December 6, 2007 2007-12-06: An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is an organization that provides Internet access to others... Earthlink, AOL and Comcast are popular ISPs in the United States... "But who is my ISP" ... Your ISP is the company you pay for Internet access... If you are the person who pays the bills in your house, you'll already know... How do I get the rights to play copyrighted music on my Internet radio station- December 5, 2007 2007-12-05: "I want to run a legitimate Internet radio station... You've decided to take on a difficult project, my friend... So if you find all of this complicated..... Without this law, new royalty rates will soon go into effect that will make it almost impossible to run a legitimate Internet radio station and put services like Live365 out of business... You can easily contact your Congressional representative via the site... What are ASP and ASP.NET- December 5, 2007 2007-12-05: ASP (Active Server Pages) and ASP.NET are server-side dynamic web programming languages... "How are ASP and ASP.NET different" ... ASP was Microsoft's original server-side web programming language, based on their earlier Visual BASIC language... Bear in mind that all server-side dynamic web programming languages are the same as far as the end user is concerned... |