The New WWW FAQFrequently asked questions about the World Wide Web, including security, viruses, privacy, creating web sites, and more. By the longtime editor of the original WWW FAQ.Was Philip Emeagwali a "father of the Internet"- February 23, 2007 Philip Emeagwali was never a "father of the Internet" and made no significant contributions to the Internet's development... Philip Emeagwali did work in supercomputing in the eighties, making improvements to the "Connection Machine" parallel supercomputer design... Unfortunately, Emeagwali has promoted himself as a "father of the Internet." This is based on Emeagwali's claim that "the Supercomputer is the father of the Internet," because both are... Where is the information on the Internet stored- February 23, 2007 2007-02-23: The information on the Internet is stored on the hard drives of web servers all over the world... The World Wide Web never "runs out of space" because webmasters (people who have websites) are generally willing to pay for a website... In practice, web servers usually aren't exactly like your computer... But there is no fundamental difference between your computer and a server in a rack at a web hosting facility... Who invented the Internet- February 23, 2007 2007-02-23: No one person invented the Internet as we know it today... Leonard Kleinrock was the first to publish a paper about the idea of packet switching, which is essential to the Internet... The big advantage of packet switching: a physical connection can carry packets for many different purposes at the same time, depending on how heavy the traffic is... What if Google needed a separate modem and phone line to talk to every user, like an old-fashioned BBS (Bulletin Board System)... ... What is a website- February 23, 2007 2007-02-23: A website is a collection of web pages maintained by a single person or organization... Less often, a set of pages beginning "lower down" than the home page of the site will also be referred to as a website... How many websites are there- February 15, 2007 2007-02-15: How many websites exist... So what can be done to measure the size of the World Wide Web... Netcraft's primary goal is to determine web server market share: what percentage of websites run Microsoft's Internet Information Server, versus the Apache web server... Of course, Netcraft's survey isn't perfect - there may be websites in the world that were not discovered by Netcraft's software... "But how many web pages are there" ... How do I switch to PHP without breaking all my links- February 13, 2007 2007-02-13: "I want to use PHP in my web pages... You can do it without breaking a thing... If you are using the Apache servermdash; and if you're working with PHP, Apache is by far the best choicemdash; then it's easy to do this... By creating a .htaccess file that lives in your web server's home directory (where your home page is), you can change how all pages are handled... So to convince Apache that .html, .htm, and .asp and .aspx pages should be scanned for PHP commands, all we... How do I switch to ASP without breaking all my links- February 13, 2007 2007-02-13: "I want to use ASP in my web pages... You can do it without rewriting all of your links..... Since you are interested in using ASP, I'll assume you are using Microsoft Internet Information Server... Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) allows you to decide what "script interpreters" are used to respond to each file extension... So to convince IIS that .html, .htm, and .php pages should be scanned for ASP commands, all we have to do is use the Internet... How do I pass data between JavaScript pages- February 9, 2007 2007-02-09: Your JavaScript page has retrieved some information from the user... Submitting form data to a server-side script that then outputs a new JavaScript page containing the data... Passing form-style data in a URL to a new JavaScript page, without using any server-side scripts... Passing data via the property... When possible, it's best to use the first method, because the amount of data you can pass is essentially unlimited... How do I make a profit from my website- February 9, 2007 2007-02-09: If you are selling goods and services and simply need to know how to accept payments from users on your site, see how do I charge money on my website... If you are giving away useful information or entertainment, the three easiest and most profitable business models are: ... Selling advertising space on your site... Merchandise sales... The "tip jar" approach: visitors to your site voluntarily give you money, purely out of the goodness of their hearts... I have DSL. Why did my connection suddenly get slow and unreliable- February 5, 2007 2007-02-05: When a DSL connection is working properly, it is very fast... Connect your DSL modem to the phone jack with a different phone cord... Shut off any radios (especially AM), stereo equipment, and other appliances in the house... Connect your DSL modem to a different phone jack... Still not working... |