The New WWW FAQFrequently asked questions about the World Wide Web, including security, viruses, privacy, creating web sites, and more. By the longtime editor of the original WWW FAQ.How do I keep my site out of Google- September 28, 2007 2007-09-28: "How do I keep my web page or entire website out of Google and other search engines" ... It is possible to keep any web page out of Google and other well-behaved search engines... The older approach involves a text file called robots.txt in the document root of your website... noindex prevents Google from indexing the content of the page... nofollow means that Google and other correctly coded search engines should not follow any links found in the page to discover new... Who controls the World Wide Web- September 28, 2007 2007-09-28: The short answer: no one... The long answer: the whois database that ultimately determines who holds what domain name for the .com and .net domains is currently managed by Network Solutions, Inc., a division of Verisign, under contract with the umbrella organization to which the various domain name registrars belong... The thirteen root DNS servers that answer top-level questions about the best-known Internet domains could be said to be in control, but they do not all belong to a.. How do I include one HTML file in another- September 20, 2007 2007-09-20: The easiest way, by far, is to use "server side includes" in your HTML... For those who cannot use server side includes, ASP, ASP.NET or PHP, we also present two client side methods: the JavaScript method, and the iframe method... Of course, server side includes only work when a web server is being used to access your pages... A simple server side include directive to include another file found in the same folder looks like this: ... How do I display a randomly selected image- September 18, 2007 2007-09-18: to randomly insert one of a group of images into a web page, you can use this simple JavaScript code... A different image will appear at the appropriate point in the page every time the page is loaded or reloaded... If the user has disabled JavaScript, the image backupimage.jpg appears instead... Just remember that the code output by document.write becomes part of the page exactly as if it had appeared at the point in the page where the script element is located... If you had an.. |