The New WWW FAQFrequently asked questions about the World Wide Web, including security, viruses, privacy, creating web sites, and more. By the longtime editor of the original WWW FAQ.How do I install Firefox without using Internet Explorer- August 12, 2007 2007-08-12: Internet Explorer is not working and you want to install Firefox as an alternative... I'll show you exactly how... Now, here's how to install Firefox without using Internet Explorer: ... To start FTP, click on the Start menu, then "Run..." and enter: ... Why can't I access my home-hosted website from my own computer- August 8, 2007 2007-08-08: You followed the steps in my article how do I host my own website at home... When you connect to your home-hosted website by name, the name resolves to an IP address... So how do you work around the problem without buing a better router... On Windows XP, the hosts file is located here: c:windowssystem32driversetchosts You will need to open this file with Notepad and add one line at the end... Here's the line to add to your hosts file: Should I update Java- August 8, 2007 2007-08-08: "My computer is nagging me to update something called Java... You have two reasonable choices: ... Update Java whenver you are asked to... Uninstall Java completely... Click on the "Start" menu ... What is Java- August 8, 2007 2007-08-08: Java is a technology that allows software designed and written just once for an idealized "virtual machine" to run on a variety of real computers, including Windows PCs, Macintoshes, and Unix computers... You need to do one of the two: keep it updated or get rid of it... As of this writing, Java is usually (though not always) included as standard equipment on Windows PCs... Java applets have been almost completely replaced by Flash, but there are occasional jobs for... How do I stop pages from resizing or moving my browser window- August 6, 2007 2007-08-06: Some web pages resize or move the web browswer window when they are opened... Users who dislike this behavior can avoid it by using the Firefox web browser... Pull down the "Tools" menu... Select "Options." ... Click on the "Content" tab... Can I get paid to take web surveys or read advertising emails- August 2, 2007 2007-08-02: There are many companies that claim to pay you to take surveys or read advertising emails... Legitimate paid-survey companies are looking for demographic information... Other companies, such as athletic shoe manufacturers, will then pay the survey company for that information and use it to design better products... For the most part these companies pay you, in cash or merchandise, to answer surveys... How can you tell whether an online survey company is legitimate... |