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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for March 2007


Frequently asked questions about the World Wide Web, including security, viruses, privacy, creating web sites, and more. By the longtime editor of the original WWW FAQ.

How do I add a link to print only one part of a web page - March 30, 2007

2007-03-30: "I want to print only one image, or one div, from a web pagemdash; not the whole thing... I had my doubts that this was pratical without code on the server side... The trick is to open up a new window (or tab) from your JavaScript code and fill that window with a simple page that displays the image in question... Generating the HTML for a new window "on the fly" is a powerful technique with many applications... You can't put a tag inside a quoted string in...

How do I keep form data out of the URL - March 30, 2007

2007-03-30: "I made an HTML form and when I submit it, all the form data winds up in the URL... You are using a form element with the method attribute set to GET, or missing altogether... Write your form element like this: This article assumes you already know the basics of handling form submissions on your website... The GET method packs all of your form fields into the URL... The format of a GET-method URL isn't all that hard to understand...

Can other people edit my blog without my permission - March 28, 2007

2007-03-28: There are four situations where other people might unexpectedly edit your blog: ... Your password was not a good password, and it has been cracked... Your password has been stolen (phished)... You are using poorly designed blog software that has a security hole, and a cracker who knows about the hole has taken advantage of it... The administrators of the site you blog on (such as blogger or MySpace) have chosen to modify your blog...

How do I convert my music to MP3 format - March 27, 2007

2007-03-27: In the article how do I embed sound and music in a page, I explain how to play MP3-format music as part of your website... The simplest solution is a little bit time-consuming, but it works with every audio format your computer can play backmdash; if you can listen to it, you can convert it to an MP3... Owning a CD or an iTunes track does not give you the right to play that music on your website for other people... In this article I assume you're working with audio files you have.

How do I host more than one website at home - March 23, 2007

2007-03-23: Hosting more than one website at home is no harder than hosting a single website at home... To host multiple websites at home, just use the Apache web server and name-based virtual hosting... Of course, you must actually create the document root folders and fill them with content... Also, please note that you do not use the character in the DocumentRoot path... This is just the most basic setup possible...

How do I add roll-over drop-down menus to my HTML - March 22, 2007

2007-03-22: Some websites feature menus that expand as you roll the mouse over them... With modern web standards, it shouldn't be that hard: just use the :hover CSS pseudoclass... Fortunately, others have researched this issue thoroughly and found the best workaround available... So I'm not going to duplicate their excellent work here...

How do I disable the back button on a web page - March 21, 2007

2007-03-21: In the most general case, you can't... However, with JavaScript, you can warn the user before they leave the page inappropriately (with the back button or otherwise), explain why it is a really bad idea, and give them a chance to cancel the operation... I cover exactly how to do this in my article how do I keep the user from leaving the page... If you control all of the pages involved, you can prevent the user from backing up within your site by making sure that pages...

How does the web work - March 21, 2007

2007-03-21: Web pages, such as the one you are now reading, "live" on web servers all over the Internet... Web browsers, such as the program you are using right now on your computer to see this web page, speak to web servers in a language (a "protocol") called HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)... But before the web browser can talk to the web server, it needs to know the web server's IP address on the Internet - just as you have to know your friend's phone number before...

How do I link to a UseNet newsgroup from a web page - March 12, 2007

2007-03-12: You can create a link to a UseNet newsgroup in such a way that the user's browser will automatically launch the user's preferred UseNet "newsreader" software... If you are linking to a public newsgroup, an alternative method is to link to the newsgroup via Google Groups, which offers a friendly interface to UseNet newsgroups without the need for correct settings on the user's PC: Read talk.bizarre via Google Groups ...

How do I keep the user from leaving the page - March 12, 2007

2007-03-12: In most cases, preventing the user from leaving the web page is obnoxious and counterproductive... But sometimes, in a web application such as an online banking system, users really do enter a great deal of information that they would hate to lose... However, you can force the browser to display a warning message and give the user a chance to change her mind... You can display such a warning message by setting up a JavaScript handler for the onBeforeUnload event... Here's an...
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