The New WWW FAQFrequently asked questions about the World Wide Web, including security, viruses, privacy, creating web sites, and more. By the longtime editor of the original WWW FAQ.How can I legally play my own cover of a song on my website- April 12, 2007 2007-04-12: You have recorded your own version of an existing song - in other words, a cover version... But is it legal... First, let's break it down a bit and understand the two major possibilities: ... You want to stream the song on your site... You want to allow the user to download the song and keep it permanently, usually by downloading an MP3 file and then burning it to a CD or adding it to their iTunes library... What happens if my browser cache isn't big enough- April 11, 2007 2007-04-11: Fetching things over the Internet can be slow... Imagine a page that uses the same image over and over as part of the page layout... But how big can the cache get... Fortunately, there is no minimum cache size... Which is the fastest web browser- April 10, 2007 2007-04-10: Speed means many things to many people... Microsoft Internet Explorer usually has the fastest startup time on Microsoft Windows machines, although this is mostly because the real "price" of starting it up is paid during the booting of your Microsoft Windows system, whether you really want it or not... Opera is the fastest browser in terms of placing minimal demands on an older computer... Firefox is a very fast descendant of Mozilla, well-tuned for real-world browsing... How do I remove the ads and copyright notice from my myspace page- April 7, 2007 2007-04-07: You don't... You can customize your MySpace page in many ways, but you can't have 100% complete control over it... If you really want control over your web page, ask yourself why it is still on somebody else's site... How do I create a collapsible outline- April 5, 2007 2007-04-05: Outlines are a useful way to represent information... Of course, it's possible to do this using ordinary hyperlinks: I... "Hey, I just want the code!" ... If you like, simply skip to the end of the article and you'll find simple instructions for creating fully collapsible outlines... is there a better way... |